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Entries in work out (2)


#FashionFriday: Be a "Fit Fashionista" With Ellie 

Moms across America have one thing in common; we spend a A LOT of time in our yoga pants. I'm not saying we are all going to yoga all the time, I'm just saying we wear them a lot. So you HAVE to look cute in them. A few years ago, Lululemon changed the designer workout wear trend into a full-on obsession. They made workout wear into something that was coveted, along with being very high-end and pricey. And, oddly enough, they seem to have monopolized this market for the past few years... with nothing else out there that really compares in style, fit and material. 

Until Ellie

A new company out of Los Angeles, Ellie is poised to take on the yoga-wear powerhouse with great styles, high-quality moisture wicking and antibacterial fabrics that have 4-way stretch technology that will apparently never stretch out, so they will always hold you in and look good. Also? Everything is designed and manufactured right here in the USA. 

Since they know that ordering workout wear online can be tricky, they've developed what they are calling "TruFit Technology" which means every piece fits true to size. Also cool? Each piece is designed by women, for women, so it’s made to flatter all body types.

When the team at Ellie asked me if I wanted to become an ambassador for their clothes, I jumped at the chance. Doing The Dailey Method 3-4 times a week means I'm either always washing workout clothes, or always buying them. I was excited to checkout new pants and see what they had to offer. 

I have to say I love the pants I received. The Love Struck Leggings fit beautifully, are snug enough to hold everything in, but stretchy and OH SO COMFORTABLE. And I can't wait to try a few pieces from the March collection. Looking like it was MADE for me (all Black!!) I'm dying to get my hands on a pair of the Little Black Capris and the Black Widow tank top. 


Check out the March Collection: 

How it works: 
There are two ways you can shop Ellie. First is by just going on the site and shopping away... the second is by joining Ellie as a FitFashionista Club Member, where for $49.95 a month you choose 2 pieces a month from the current collection. Yes, $50 for 2 pieces! And yes, you can always skip a month if you want.
And, if you use my links on this page, you can save 20% on your first order!

Save 20% on Ellie!





*disclosure: I am an Ambassador for Ellie. They have sent me clothes to review, opinions are my own. 


Hurts So Good: Why I Love The Dailey Method

You may remember me talking about The Dailey Method in Carlsbad in a post or two. You may have noticed the ad over the right here and thought "God, I want shoulders like that." Or you may have seen my multiple, check-ins on FourSquare to their Carlsbad studio. You may have wondered, "What is The Dailey Method?"

What it is, quite honestly, is one of the best workouts I've ever done. 

Last fall I was introduced the newest barre workout class to hit San Diego and was immediately hooked. I loved watching the transformation in my legs and arms. I loved watching myself grow stronger and stronger and rocking those 60 second planks. And it was a proud, proud moment when I mastered the amazingly challenging seated pretzel. More than looking good - I felt good. My back pain was gone and every part of my body was stronger and able to handle things better.

There are a few of us who started when the gym first opened, and we've become friendly over the months - bonding during seemingly impossible sets of seat and thigh work. Ask anyone of us and we all say the same thing "There is some different, something addictive, about this workout." We love it.

And I normally don't LOVE working out.

Alas, I've fallen off the wagon (or, if The Dailey Method is my addiction, am I ON the wagon?). The month of May kicked my figuratively booty. With work, the kids and Jason's knee surgery, my schedule took a backseat to taking care of everyone else. 

And I felt it. Literally. 

Image from The Dailey Method WebsiteMy body craved the crazy hour-long classes, and when I started up again, it knew exactly what to do. My muscles remembered each feeling, each motion, and this time I've paid more attention to exactly how every movement feels.

And yes, it hurts. But that is why I love it. Just at the point you don't think you can do another leg lift or hold your body in a high C-curve another second, the movement changes and you've done it. You've made it another minute and your body readjusts and pushes you through. 

Maybe I'm masochistic, but I love laying in bed the morning after a particularly hard class and clenching muscles to see if any hurt. Every time I cringe walking down the stairs after a lunge-heavy class I know my booty's a little higher and a little tighter. I know I will never have a body like Samantha or Shelie (the owners of the Carlsbad studio) but I also know that if I keep myself motivated I will walk a little taller, be a little leaner and overall feel better about myself. 




*disclosure: While I've been paying to attend classes at Carlsbad studio for months, I was offered free classes in exchange for blog love during the month of July. All opinions stated in this post are my own.