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Entries in Pinterest (3)


I'll Try That Week! #2: Coconut Oil Hair Mask

This post can also be titled "Pinterest Made Me Do it."

After seeing hundreds of pins raving about long silky hair after using coconut oil on your hair, I decided to try it. Hey, we had a jar sitting there anyway!

After reading a few different articles on the how-to, I got my hair wet in the shower then applied the coconut oil liberally - focusing more on my ends than on the roots. I got out of the shower, dried off then put a shower cap on my head and let it sit for 20 minutes. During this 20 minutes I wrapped a dryer-warmed towel around my head and also used a hair dryer to warm my hair up.

I also took this time to slater my body in the oil to see if it had the amazing skin benefits others swear by. At this point I really wish I thought to make a Pina Colada before hand because DAMN, the smell was making me wish I was pool side under a palapa. 

After rinsing my body and shampooing twice - I got out of the shower and combed out my hair. Right away I noticed that my hair DID NOT feel conditioned AT ALL and it was hard to comb through. While blow drying I kept hoping to see gleaming soft hair emerge, alas none did. And the fly-aways it was supposed to tame were actually worse than before. 

My skin felt nice and soft, and I smelled delicious, but my lower legs still needed some lotion. I just really felt greasy and developed an overwhelming craving for Thai food. 

All in all? It was a waste of an hour and jar of coconut oil. 


So this totally happened: Lauren Conrad "liked" my outfit.

One of the regular columns over at Savvy Sassy Moms is "What I Wore Wednesday." This weekly post showcases us real life, savvy and stylish moms and what we are wearing on a weekly basis. For this week's column I sent in a picture of me in my new Free People sweater and a pair of boyfriend jeans. I thought the look was a good "run around" look and I'm currently loving my new, cozy sweater. 

Chief SSM Andrea went about pinning some of the looks from the post, and I re-pinned my picture from that post. A few hours later I was procrastinating browsing Pinterest for some ideas for what to cook for dinner (ahem) and noticed that LAUREN CONRAD not only LIKED my pin of my outfit but COMMENTED "Love it!" 

Lauren Conrad - one of THE stylish girls out there - Liked. My. Outfit. 

While at first I thought it was fake, it does look to be legit.

And while I'm almost positive it was her social media girl doing the pinning ... I WILL TAKE IT. 


Pinterest Nail FAIL

I love my neighborhood "chop shop." I love the gel manis and spa pedis and the free 5-minute neck massages. I even have gotten over being insulted when they tell me I need "callus remover" or my lip waxed. But the one thing they just can't get right? The Pinterest mani. You know, the amazing unique manis we all see all over Pinterest?

I went in today with half picked off 3 week old red polish and apparently visions of sugar plums dancing in my head. Half asleep from 10 days in the car and feeling oddly festive, I told the girl I wanted to do red and white stripes on my ring fingers - ala a candy cane! Whee! Fun! When they asked if I wanted a little sparkle to go with it, I thought "Sure! Even more FUN!"


Not so much. 


Of course I immediately had to go to lunch with all the KD Gala people, including Lucas' amazing KD doctor. I actually made a point to not talk with my hands. Which is near impossible for me. 

But looking on the bright side, I found a FABULOUS new toe nail polish!

Needless to say a color change is in my future.