So this totally happened: Lauren Conrad "liked" my outfit.

One of the regular columns over at Savvy Sassy Moms is "What I Wore Wednesday." This weekly post showcases us real life, savvy and stylish moms and what we are wearing on a weekly basis. For this week's column I sent in a picture of me in my new Free People sweater and a pair of boyfriend jeans. I thought the look was a good "run around" look and I'm currently loving my new, cozy sweater.
Chief SSM Andrea went about pinning some of the looks from the post, and I re-pinned my picture from that post. A few hours later I was procrastinating browsing Pinterest for some ideas for what to cook for dinner (ahem) and noticed that LAUREN CONRAD not only LIKED my pin of my outfit but COMMENTED "Love it!"
Lauren Conrad - one of THE stylish girls out there - Liked. My. Outfit.
While at first I thought it was fake, it does look to be legit.
And while I'm almost positive it was her social media girl doing the pinning ... I WILL TAKE IT.

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