For us the leaves don't change colors and the weather actually gets hotter during October. So how do we know it's Fall in Southern California? By going to Disneyland.
Once again, Disneyland and Disney California Adventure got us in the Halloween spirit with all of our favorite rides, decor and villains. You all know how much I love Disneyland this time of year, and our latest visit to the park marked yet another passing year.
As with every trip to Disneyland, there were the special moments that made this trip unique.

It was our first "stroller free" trip
My baby is turning 5 in just a few weeks. FIVE. This trip we actually, in all honesty, forgot the stroller. It doesn't live in the car anymore and in the rush out of the house it didn't make it with us. This is a BIG moment in parenthood, and it took us a bit to figure out how to transport all the crap. But we survived. And Zoe rocked walking the park all day.
My Favorite Goats Had on Halloween Bandanas
We discovered the Happiest Petting Zoo on Earth last June, and it was one of the first spots we visited this trip. And yes, it did make my day that the happy little goats were dressed in their Halloween finery.

The Art of Frankenweenie
While I will admit that we have yet to see the movie, Disney California Adventure currently has an exhibit showcasing the dolls from the movie Frankenweenie. The models on display were amazing to look at. The details, the size - all of it just fascinating to take in. The exhibit runs through November 5th at Disney California Adventure.

Zoe Adorableness
I love her age right now. She still wants to wear her princess dresses, she waves at dolls in It's a Small World, but she enjoys totally rocking out at the MadTParty.
As we were walking out from watching the live Alice in Wonderland theme band, Zoe looks at me:
Zoe: "Mom, Alice looks like me."
Me: "Oh really, how?"
Zoe: "Well, we're both pretty!"
I love 5.
Halloween Time at Disneyland runs through October 31st
*disclosure: Disneyland Parks provided me with four tickets to enjoy Disneyland Halloween Time. Opinions and experiences are my own.