{Almost} Wordless Wednesday: Disneyland at Halloween 2009 - 2013

This past weekend we were thrilled to be able to visit Disneyland for one of our favorite times of the year... Halloween. Visiting Disneyland in the fall has become a bit of a tradition, as we've been doing it now every year since 2009.
Obviously I'm going to capture many of the same moments... and this year I was feeling a bit nostalgic and wanted to compare just much my almost 6 year old has grown.
*believe it or not, those are the exact same pair of ears. We've managed to keep them in good shape for 5 years!
*disclosure: Disneyland provided me with 4 park hopper tickets to experience #Halloweentime at Disneyland 2013, opinions are my own.
Halloween Time,
halloween in

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