Fall Fashion Find: Merona Mackenzie Suede Wedge Pumps

It seems that every time Target launches a new high-end collection these, I go running in expecting greatness... and leaving with things NOT part of the celebrity collaborations. Such was the case a few weeks ago when I went to my local Target in search of the Philip Lim collection. Red card and additional 5% pharmacy savings coupon in hand, I was gonna' buy me a sweater.
But there was a mistake and my local store never even ended up getting the collection.
All was not lost! As I walked around searching, I happened upon the shoe area where I found these suede wedges from the standard Target Merona brand that looked like just the shoe I had been looking for.
I will admit, being the label whore that I am, I was suspect. But I also had been *NEEDING* new shoes and for $30 threw the army green ones into my cart... and didn't take them out last minute like I normally do with non-essentials when my bills climbs past a "certain number."
And? I love these shoes. LOVE.
They are high enough to give me a good lift, but not too high that I'm teetering around. They are comfortable too - the wedge isn't too steep and the insides not too hard. They did pinch around my toes the first day I wore them, but by day 2 were broken in. And the best part? They don't look like $30 shoes.
I think I may need them in black too....

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