Obsessed With




Entries in Yummy Tummie (2)


Never fully dressed without a ....

Yummy Tummy. I know, you thought I was going to say "Smile," right?

I'm a 36-year old mom whose had the pleasure of two c-sections and an abdominal wall that apparently will never recover from pregnancy no matter how many barre classes I do. While a "Mommy Makeover" is in my fantasy future, until we get to that point, my go-to item has been a Yummy Tummie tank. 

I've posted about them before (calling it my "adult lovie"), but this time I'm posting {begging?} for a personal style session with Yummy Tummie at BlogHer '11. Why? Because I'm one of their biggest fans. I wear my strappy tanks daily (I have 3 of them) and it's now gotten to the point that I don't feel fully dressed unless I'm donning a YT. Under t-shirts I feel smoother. Under a buttoned shirt, I don't worry about popping that one button that shirt makers strategically place in the middle of your boobs. And best of all? The length of the tanks are perfect for tucking into even low-rise jeans to avoid "Mom Crack" when bending over to pick up the toy my kid sitting in the shopping cart just dropped for the 30th time. I've been lusting after the leggings for awhile, and I'm DYING to try the jeans. If the jeans do for my lower half, what the tops do my upper half I will be in heaven.

If you feel the same way that I do, you should check out Yummy Tummie! ( Yummie Tummie Facebook page, Yummie Tummie site and Yummie Tummie Twitter 

While I've been buying Yummy Tummies on my own, this post is part of a contest that SDMOMfia Mama Christina (@MommyLuvsCoffee) is hosting for a Say Wow Not Ow Private Yummie Tummie Style Session at BlogHer 11. This post is an entry because really? I could use the help.



Monday Confessional: SUCK IT IN

A few months ago I told my mom her generation, with their bra burning, ruined it for our generation of women. Before those hippies took off their underwear in protest, woman wore undergarments to help shape, bend, nip, tuck, and protrude them into attractive silhouettes. Then came all that free love bullshit and women suddenly were all au natural and comfortable. Whatever.

My torso has always been my "problem" area. Throw in two kids, two c-sections and my running joke is I no longer want a nose-job, I want a "torso-job". I need that Dr. 90210 Super Woman surgery without the girly-parts part...since, as I mentioned above, I had two c-sections. I think it started when breastfeeding Lucas. I could honestly care less if I exposed a little boobage while trying to get him to latch-on, but I did care about people getting a glimpse of the hideous flaps of deflated excess skin and fat around my mid-section. Thankfully, I found the GlamourMom tank tops - the ease of the nursing bra with coverage on the underside. I was free to comfortably lift my shirt and nurse in public without the thought that some some child-free thing was gawking at my post-baby jelly rolls. I also felt that just having a little extra fabric helped bring things in a bit and cover the backside from the dreaded coin-slot caused by the then fashionable ultra-low waisted pants. 

Even after I stopped nursing, I kept on wearing tank tops under my clothes. I didn't need to worry about clothes being to sheer or too low, I felt comfortable in the layers. When Lucas was about 9 months old, I was the Matron of Honor in a friends wedding. Still not comfortable in my post-baby body, a friend suggested I try this new product called SPANX to help smooth things out under the silky brides maid dress. I was sold. And amazed by this modern day girdle.

These days I don't really leave the house with out a Yummy Tummie tank-top on under my clothes.  It's kinda become my adult "lovie". It makes me feel more comfortable in my clothes. Whether or not it actually makes a difference I have no idea, but I like to think it helps to shape me just a bit.

Last Friday I had to run to the mall with Zoe after ballet class. We were taking family pictures on Saturday and Jason and I are headed to Vegas for Blog World Expo this upcoming weekend, so I needed to make a clothing run. I grabbed Zoe a bite to eat at McDonalds and fed her in the stroller so that I could hopefully have 20 minutes of quiet shopping time. After breezing through the kids section I landed in women's lingerie and this new full body miracle suit caught my attention. Standing there reading the label, without thinking I reached down and grabbed a french fry off Zoe's tray and was about to shove it in my mouth when I realized the sight I must be. 

Girl eating french fries shopping for Spanx. 


My Monday Confession for 10/11/10: I love my tummy toning tank tops and I need to stop eating french fries.