Obsessed With




Entries in Shapers (1)


Never fully dressed without a ....

Yummy Tummy. I know, you thought I was going to say "Smile," right?

I'm a 36-year old mom whose had the pleasure of two c-sections and an abdominal wall that apparently will never recover from pregnancy no matter how many barre classes I do. While a "Mommy Makeover" is in my fantasy future, until we get to that point, my go-to item has been a Yummy Tummie tank. 

I've posted about them before (calling it my "adult lovie"), but this time I'm posting {begging?} for a personal style session with Yummy Tummie at BlogHer '11. Why? Because I'm one of their biggest fans. I wear my strappy tanks daily (I have 3 of them) and it's now gotten to the point that I don't feel fully dressed unless I'm donning a YT. Under t-shirts I feel smoother. Under a buttoned shirt, I don't worry about popping that one button that shirt makers strategically place in the middle of your boobs. And best of all? The length of the tanks are perfect for tucking into even low-rise jeans to avoid "Mom Crack" when bending over to pick up the toy my kid sitting in the shopping cart just dropped for the 30th time. I've been lusting after the leggings for awhile, and I'm DYING to try the jeans. If the jeans do for my lower half, what the tops do my upper half I will be in heaven.

If you feel the same way that I do, you should check out Yummy Tummie! ( Yummie Tummie Facebook page, Yummie Tummie site and Yummie Tummie Twitter 

While I've been buying Yummy Tummies on my own, this post is part of a contest that SDMOMfia Mama Christina (@MommyLuvsCoffee) is hosting for a Say Wow Not Ow Private Yummie Tummie Style Session at BlogHer 11. This post is an entry because really? I could use the help.