And This Is Where My Heart Stopped Beating - Neiman Marcus / Target Collaboration

I'm seriously sitting having Target/Neiman Marcus induced heart palpitations.
Today, the first product images of the highly-anticipated collaboration between high design and low(er) prices were released, and OH. My. FREAKING. God. I'm dying.
DECEMBER 1st is the date to remember. I just *may* camp out at my local T the night before. After the Missoni debacle, I may need to plan out my strategy a little better... And believe me when I say I will cut a bitch for that Tory Burch lunch box.
In my opinion, Target hasn't had an amazing kid's collection since Liberty London. My biggest regret is not buying those adorable dresses for Zoe in larger sizes to grow into. But this Christmas I'm thinking ZoZo may need a little Jason Wu or Marchesa?
For more images of the collection, click HERE.