Where the surf meets the turf...blogging mama edition

If you ever get the chance to watch a race at Del Mar from the winner's circle - take it. The energy that flows as the horses race by at top speed is unmatchable.
If you ever get the chance to bet on a horse named "MO Cheese".. take it. Even a $2 bet. I mean WHO doesn't want MO CHEESE to win?
And even when MO CHEESE fails you (like it always does my thighs) it's still a great story.
If you ever get the chance to dine at the Stretch Run Grill on a glorious day in San Diego with a group of great women - take it.
Oh, and have the Del Mar Sweet Tea.
Trust me.
<-- that's me with Theresa, Christina and La Jolla Mom Katie
Left to right - me, MamaMary, RockonMommy Theresa, Mamarazzi Suzette, CoffeeMommyof3 Christina, Sugar Jones, HipMom Sondra and Jen_eration_X Jennifer
BIG THANKS to The Del Mar Thoroughbred Club for hosting us, and to Jennifer for taking such great pics!