Where the surf meets the turf...blogging mama edition

If you ever get the chance to watch a race at Del Mar from the winner's circle - take it. The energy that flows as the horses race by at top speed is unmatchable.
If you ever get the chance to bet on a horse named "MO Cheese".. take it. Even a $2 bet. I mean WHO doesn't want MO CHEESE to win?
And even when MO CHEESE fails you (like it always does my thighs) it's still a great story.
If you ever get the chance to dine at the Stretch Run Grill on a glorious day in San Diego with a group of great women - take it.
Oh, and have the Del Mar Sweet Tea.
Trust me.
<-- that's me with Theresa, Christina and La Jolla Mom Katie
Left to right - me, MamaMary, RockonMommy Theresa, Mamarazzi Suzette, CoffeeMommyof3 Christina, Sugar Jones, HipMom Sondra and Jen_eration_X Jennifer
BIG THANKS to The Del Mar Thoroughbred Club for hosting us, and to Jennifer for taking such great pics!

Reader Comments (3)
Jennifer took some great photos! And we all look gorgeous! Thanks for putting this event together.
Looks like fun!
I'm kinda glad I didn't drink the Sweet Tea. Who knows what else I would have lost. And I might have just put that little jockey in my Assets and taken him home with me as a souvenir. Thank you so much for arranging that evening. It was one for the record books!!!