Please Help Support "Lucas' Heart", A Table at The Kawasaki Disease Foundation Gala

This month, we have much to be thankful for. While some people are using Facebook to post 30 different things they are thankful for this November, I am really thankful for two main things - the health of my children and the love and support of our friends and family.
November and December are hard for me since these two months mark anniversaries of times when I had to worry about the health of my babies. November brings memories of tiny Zoe, being born at 4lbs 15oz and then not gaining weight. December sends me in my downward spiral, recalling when Lucas was in the hospital with Kawasaki Disease.
And this month, I'm thankful that BOTH of them are healthy, vibrant, smart, hilarious, sweet children.
Over the past month I've talked a lot about Kawasaki Disease and the 4th Annual "To Save A Child's Heart" Gala. Many of you have offered to help in some form or another, and for you, I'm also thankful.
I know that our budgets are stretched thin this month. I know that you are being asked to donate to many things, but if you have any room, Jason and I would appreciate a little help in honor of Lucas' little heart.
As I said before, we are lucky when it comes to our KD experience. We had an amazing pediatrician who recognized the symptoms, we walked into an amazing hospital and were practically met at the door by the number one KD doctor in the US. But unfortunately, our situation is not the norm.
And that's what we are raising money for - the parents and the children who do not have the resources we did at their fingertips.
I would love to have a table at the gala dedicated to Lucas, his little heart, and any future hearts that may one day be affected by KD.
Will you help?

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