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Excuses, excuses, excuses

I've been a bit MIA from around these parts recently. It's something that haunts me. It's like ignoring your first born. But what can I say? I've got a lot going on and no one around here expects much from me anyway. :)

But things have been rocking and rolling right along. Summer started with a trip to the beautiful Rancho Las Palmas in Palm Springs. We've yet to really see the sun along the coast, so it was a wonderful getaway to warm up and get a good base tan.But things have been rocking and rolling right along. Summer started with a trip to the beautiful Rancho Las Palmas in Palm Springs. We've yet to really see the sun along the coast, so it was a wonderful getaway to warm up and get a good base tan.

If you are looking to head out to the desert with kids, I strongly suggest you look into Rancho Las Palmas. It's the epitome of "kid friendly," and you never have to leave the pool. 

After our quick "mini-break" (I so love that English term, why hasn't it caught on in the US?) we welcomed 3 cousins and aunts and uncles and a Bubbe to San Diego. Unlike 4th of July weekends of the past where we are wearing sweatshirts while watching fireworks, this holiday weekend was amazing - temps in the high 80s and clear blue skies. It was one of those weekends where you fall in love all over again with San Diego. We even managed to squeeze in a quick family portrait session with the amazing Fawn of Sequins and Candy... 

It was a wonderful trip and some good hard summer play. With the way the calendar is looking, summer will be over in a blink of an eye... So. What have you been up to?

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