Abs! Butt! Mental Stability! Sign me up!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011 at 11:10PM
I know the scandal du jour with Sketchers shoes has more to do with them marketing "toned up" rears to the pre-tween scene, but I want to talk about a side-effect of these fug bottomed shoes that is SO obviously being overlooked. Apparently, while toning your rear and tightening your abs, these popular shoes also shoot high doses of Valium/Xanax/Extacy through your heels and directly into your bloodstream.
What? You don't believe me? Then let's just ask Brooke Burke:
I mean why else would you skip and twirl through your house and just giggle as your kids shave the dog?
THIS must be what my issue is.
Damn Nikes.
Reader Comments (4)
I knew I was doing something wrong. :/
;) Too funny!
Hilarious. Do you think she gets dizzy?
Valium shoes...I MUST have a pair!!
ok-THANK YOU. you have no idea how much i just needed to roll around on the floor laughing.