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Getting Ready for BlogHer '11

The parties. The posts. The SHOE TALK. All the female blogosphere is chatting about BlogHer '11. While I have a few posts coming up about the show, and (OF COURSE) what I will be wearing, as of today I can say that I'm officially ready.


Because my Survival of the Hippest necklace came. 

I've been lusting after one of these for awhile now. But I kept going back and forth. I actually wear more gold than silver/white gold/platinum these days, so which metal do I get? Do I go all out and add a diamond chip to the "i"? The decisions were too difficult, so I put off ordering one until the very last minute. (oh, and I went with a silver/gold combo but alas, no diamonds...)

Because really? This is SO much cooler than a business card. 


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