Obsessed With



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Affectation or Obsession?

Turquoise. It's my color. 

My purse. My wallet. Favorite earrings of the moment. Pillows. Shoes. An entire wall in my house...oh, my list goes on and on. People who don't know me make little comments such as "Oh, I love how your earrings match your purse!" People that do know me think of me every time they see something in my color of choice.

A few weeks ago I read an article in Allure about the hottest Chanel nail polish of the moment, one that you can't find ANYWHERE -  and what was it? Turquoise. So I've been obsessing. Wanting this Tiffany Box blue to adorn my nails. Alas, even the knock-off brands from Target in this color have been snatched up, so I settled for OPI's Mermaid's Tears which my local mani/pedi chop shop happened to have. As I slipped my toes back into my flip flops, I noticed that the color matched the pattern of color on the insides of my Havaianas... Later that day I noticed that every time an image of something turquoise comes up on Pinterest, all of my friends tag me in the re-pin. And while I LOVE every item, I'm beginning to worry about myself. Is my thing with turquoise a quirky affectation, or is it a bizarre obsession?

My friend Maria told me the story of the "Purple Lady" in the town she grew up in. She wore all purple every day. She even drove a purple car. Well, at least my car isn't turquoise... um, it's more of a "Smurf Blue."

A few months ago I had the chance to talk to a phone-psychic, and while nothing else the woman said came true, she did have this odd vision of my spirit guide - who emits a turquoise light. Maybe that's my issue - maybe I want to surround myself with this color to appease my spirit guide? Yeah, I think that throws me over to the crazy side of the fence. 

So what do I do? Put my love in check or go with it and let it take over? I'm not sure what the answer is, but I sure do love my toes at the moment...

Reader Comments (4)

Eh... go with it ;) You rock that color like nobody's business.

July 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

I say go with it too. It is a gorgeous color & it makes you happy. And over on the crazy side of the fence, it is said to be a protective, healing stone that fends off negative energy. Some crazy chakra thing. ;)

July 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterStephanie

Well thank you! You should see my outfit today. CRAZY turquoise lady coming thru!

July 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHipMamaB

Perfectly normal. I have gone through stages like that. Most recently, everything had to be pink.

July 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTerri Kansler

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