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Entries in Zoe (3)


Mother's Day + Hot New App "PTCH"

Today was the Mother's Day Tea in Zoe's class... can you say SOB? 

The teacher tortured us by having all the 5 Year Olds sing a song called "Fingerprints." There was not a dry eye in the house. 

This little video was made with the coolest new App called PTCH. It's an Instagram/Vine combo that allows you to make these fab little 60 second videos with your pictures and video clips. I have a feeling I'm going to become very addicted to this app. Kimberly Blane introduced it to me last week at Mom 2.0 - of course the "Go To Mom" would know all about the coolness!


That squealing you hear? It's because the My Little Pony App is now available in the iTunes Store

Today, the My Little Pony app “Twilight Sparkle: Teacher for a Day,” became available in the iTunes store. I was lucky enough to sit next to the PR person for Rukus Media at the Clever Girls Collective CleverTech Brunch during BlogHer and she was nice enough to send me a free download of the game. 

This is a little video I shot of Zoe today, as she was anxiously awaiting the download of the game. Please note, this is what she had on today - I did not change her outfit for the taping of the video. 


The game is cute. It's a read-along story book with interactive games mixed in. I may never get my iPad back. 

Also note - there is another My Little Pony "Pro" game available in iTunes. This one is NOT for kids. I think this one is more for the Bronies of the world. 

The app for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch is going to be available on iTunes for $0.99. My Little Pony fans, young and old,  can also tune in to the animated series “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” Saturday and Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM EST and Fridays and Mondays at 1:30 PM on The Hub TV network.


The Pickle. An Update.

Those of you who have been around these parts for awhile may remember how petite my little Zoe pickle was upon entering this world. 4lbs 15.5 oz petite to be exact. 

Over the first 6 months of her life all the little thing did was eat and scare us with her inability to gain weight. She was tiny. Always a size behind. Always a peanut.

Almost 4 years later the situation is a bit different. Homegirl had a (pre)preschool doctor's visit today and while she may still be a pickle, she is no longer a peanut. 80th percentile for height and 70th for weight. Even her new doctor commented on her size and the length of her legs, reminding me to keep her in a car seat as long as possible even though she will quickly be in "booster seat" range. 

They did a vision/eye test in which she had to watch a screen for a few minutes with a patch over one eye and electrodes on her head. She sat down and said to the nurse "OH! A movie! Do we get to eat popcorn?!" Yeah, she has personality to boot. 

Next week she starts pre-K. It wasn't really planned that way, but because she is almost 4, they are moving her up a class. I even have the option of putting her into kindergarten next year if we feel that is right for all of us. 

Almost 4 years old... I'm going to blink and she will be driving.