Help Make ME A Style Setter for Fashion Valley Mall!

You know I'm a mall rat, right?
Maybe it's the OG 1980's/1990's Valley Girl in me, but I think I may have spent a good quarter of my life inside various malls. Between working at malls in High School and College to working across from them and working-out in them, I seem to always be going to or coming from one mall or another. And now it may finally pay off!
Yesterday I was notified that I'm a finalist for Simon Mall's Style Setter of the Fashion Valley Mall. If you know San Diego, you know that this is THE mall of the city. All the top stores from Tiffany and Co. to Louis Vuitton to Bloomingdales, Nordstrom, Macys AND Nieman's calls this mall their home. If you are looking for premiere shopping in San Diego - this is your heaven. And I may be the blogger chosen to get special perks, previews and inside information on all things shopping and style.
Yes, opportunities like this make me giddy.
While it's not the final decision, they are asking for some voting love from my adoring fans... (ahem). So here is where I ask oh so politely if you would please mosey over to the Fashion Valley Mall Facebook Page and vote for me.
You can vote as many times as you would like (hint, hint) voting ends May 31st.
Wish me luck!