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Entries in Turquoise room (1)


The Progression of the Turquoise Room: A new friend and family mascot

The wall has taken on a life of its own. What started as a way to make a new house a home has now been absorbed into the personality of our little family. The wall made it's "official debut" on our annual Holiday card, and as you can see, the bright color makes quite the backdrop for our quirkiness. With the addition of the Mohawk Home Zebra rug, I felt that room was finally beginning to take on its own identity. It went from being "the room we didn't have furniture for or know what to do with" to a room with a flavor all it's own. But do we leave the wall alone or adorn it with something equally as interesting?

Obviously something as interesting. 

The moment we saw it we knew we had to have it. A large, white, ceramic moose head. Right there, on the big turquoise wall. To us, that is perfection. Odd, yet oddly fantastic. If you know us in real life, or following Jason and I online, you know, we like things a little off-kilter. 

While I'm not quite sure my Dad agrees with the awesomeness of the MOOSE, my parents bought the headpiece for us for Christmas this year. How many people do you know that got a moose-head for Christmas? 

But here's the thing, the thing weighs like 50lbs, and OF COURSE the stud in the wall isn't in the right place. It also didn't come with wall mounting instructions, and the people working the hardware aisle of my local Home Depot looked at me like I was insane each of the four times I was in there over the course of a week trying to figure out how to hang the thing. We finally cried "uncle", and called our friend/resident handyman to help us out. He took my call just after finishing re-tiling an entire bathroom and laughed at going from a job so intricate and artistic to hanging a moose-head. Yet, even he was stumped (which made me feel like less of an idiot). Regardless, we got it up... and it's perfection.

Of course with our moose-head on the wall and our zebra rug, the room is looking a bit like a high-end, modern hunting lodge. But, it's always a good conversation starter. Hey, not every kid can play "Gaston" with as much realism as my kids. 

The Moose already seems to be "part of the family" and tonight at dinner we decided to name it. While Zoe suggested we call him "Moose A Moose" (vetoed!) Lucas suggested a play on words, and that we name him Mousse...very proud of his name, he exclaimed "You KNOW, like the Chocolate DESSERT!" And while I'm very fond of animals having theme songs, let me introduce you to the newest member of the HipMamaB/PetCobra household: "Vanilla Mousse."

I think he's fitting in quite nicely.