Even if it's only close family and a few good friends, I really do believe in making every holiday a presentation. I love the detail of things and love putting that little extra effort into something to make it special. The day to day grind makes us lazy.. I know we use plastic plates and bowls over our "china" on a regular basis. So why not take those few special days a year and make them special?
This year I was inspired by Hostess With the Mostess - my IDOL. She got me thinking creatively about what I could do and I flat out used her idea for a thanksgiving centerpiece , then took it a step further with a matching hanging banner sign.

We are lucky enough to be able to eat our turkey outside in San Diego (even tho we all were wearing sweaters and scarves!) so I set up on our patio outside. When I got married 9 years ago, my grandmother gave me a set of gold flatware that, at the time, I had no use for. Over the years I have pulled it out more and more often and found that I really like the gold flatware looks on a simple table. The same type of effect as gold hoop earrings with a t-shirt make.

Other touches I like to include these days are the use of a proper dessert table and bar. Dessert tables are just fun... even simple desserts are beautiful and make you happy when you look at them. Why keep them stashed away in a paper box or covered in foil when they can be out making people smile? It's also a great place to get creative in a whimsical way. Cookies on a cake plate can be a centerpiece on it's own.

how does that NOT make you smile?
My "bar" area came from a simple thought - I didn't want people rummaging through my cupboards for glasses and openers, etc. Additionally, wine is beautiful and displaying the vintages that you researched and bought for this particular occasion/meal. Lately I've been loving large glass holders filled with drinks, decorations or whatever. Staring at it, trying to figure out what to do with it, I decided to fill it with ice and use it to hold/chill the white wine. Some candles and a garland of leaves (from Michaels) in the back and VOILA!