A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to spend 20 minutes, sans kids, at the Laura Mercier counter. I was just passing by when the lip color of one of the make-up artists working at the counter caught my eye and literally made me stop and turn back. It was this wonderful bright spring time shade and I HAD TO HAVE IT.

Of course, I'm good with just walking away with one item... especially since it's SPRING and time for color and sun and little change up to the old make-up routine. I have to say that make-up wise, I'm normally nutural girl. Raised in a time where blue eyeshadow was reserved for the likes of Donna Mills, it was ponded into my head that bright color was tacky and its best to stick with muted shades. And while I'm a product WHORE, I don't really stray too far from browns, bronzes and pinks. But this coral color really grabbed me. And when she paired it with a coral blush, all I could think was that I look like my grandma's make-up drawer... but I didn't... I looked.. fresh! And when she paired it with a turquoise/black eyeliner, I felt so spring time chic!
I've been wearing these colors now for a few weeks, and while I CAN NOT find the lipgloss "BonBon" the woman encouraged me to pair with the lipstick in stock apparently anywhere in Southern CA., I've been pairing it with a basic golden lipgloss. It takes the SHOCK of color out of it - leaving it more glistening.
If you are looking for an update to your look for the spring/summer, I highly recommend hitting up the Laura Mercier counter.