Playing With: The SONY XPERIA Tablet S

As part of my ongoing Sony Moms program, this month I had the opportunity to play around with the latest XPERIA Tablet S. Now I will preface this by saying I'm an Apple girl and have been for awhile. That being said, there was an Android-based "learning curve" for me when playing with this product. But it's just like anything new to you - at first it doesn't seem "right," but when you figure it out, you're golden.
So, what did I like about the XPERIA?
1) The "folded magazine" design. I can hold it quite well. That turned-over look gives you something to grip when holding the tablet.
2) That it's "splash proof." The main point of the tablet being resistant to splashes is so that you can use it in the kitchen for recipes, which makes perfect sense. But I also see it as kid proof. You never know what's headed your way with little fingers around... Apparently some of the tablet been having some issues surrounding this feature, but Sony did release this statement on the topic:
As we had announced previously, while all other functions of the device still work as intended, a limited number of our new Xperia Tablet S released in September 2012 may not meet our splash-proof specification. A free inspection program to correct the issue is now open and available to our customers. The program provides customers with an easy process to repair or replace their affected device, at no charge. More details and instructions on the program are available at
3) The Guest Mode - The Guest Mode allows you to share the Xperia Tablet S with friends and family with a different look and settings for each user. Additionally it has a restricted app access to areas you don't want anybody to see. This is perfect for sharing the device with your kids, as it allows you to have your apps and them not to have access to them. This is nice because I feel that I can hand over my tablet to the kids and not have to be worried they may come across my Stupid Zombies addiction.
*I had a chance to review this product as part of the #SonyMoms program. I did not receive compensation for the post nor did I get to keep the tablet.