Baby You're a Firework. #imagelogger 4th of July Weekend

Summer is in full effect in Southern California. This 4th of July found us beach side, at Omni La Costa Resort and Spa for fireworks and up to LA for some fun in the pool at my parents house.
I've had tons of fun playing with the automatic features of my Samsung NX300 this week - action shots, fireworks and creative settings have helped capture some great moments this past weekend. Also loving the new 30mm "pancake" lens I'm trying out. It makes the camera much smaller, and I love the way it focuses on the subject while blurring the background.
Also celebrated my Dad's birthday this weekend with some of my FAVORITE CUPCAKES EVER: Sprinkles!
Even little Daisy May got a special treat!
I couldn't get enough of the late afternoon light in parent's backyard...
All images in this post were taken with the Samsung NX300 SMART camera. Samsung provided me with a camera to participate in the #Imagelogger program. All opinions and photographs are my own. Over the next few months I will be sharing images taken with the NX300 SMART camera on Twitter, Facebook and here on my blog. If you want to follow along and check out some of the images the other Imageloggers are taking - just follow the hashtag: #Imagelogger.