Why I love SATC

"You do realize, it got absolutely horrible reviews..." said Jason as I walked out the door to see Sex and the City 2 on opening day. Blah. I didn't care. I was going with one of my best friends and we were going to sit and fantasize over going to NYC and have a closet the size of one of our kids’ rooms.
Just like Lord of the Rings or Star Wars, SATC is pure fantasy - just trade in lightsabers for Louboutin's. Of course it's not real, but there is such a part of you that wants it to be. And the silliness and surrealness of it is what makes it so likeable and fun.
When the show was on TV it seemed that women were trying to liken themselves to one of the characters.. "I'm such a Carrie" or "Charlotte is my girl..." but this latest installment I felt a little like all of them. As women, on any given day we are all these ladies. There is the part of us that is scared to death of aging (Samantha), the never-ending mommy guilt of the working mother and the stay at home mom (Miranda and Charlotte) and the feeling that we still want to be fun and glitzy and fabulous even after we have "settled down" (Carrie).
These are all issues and feelings that real women have daily... the main difference being that we are having these feelings while wearing Lululemons and flip-flops instead of vintage Chanel and 6 inch stilettos.
Watching the movie I can understand why some of the reviews were not favorable. It was over the top and some parts were cheesy. But its "flaws" is also what made it so Sex and the City. And, it’s nice to think that even the rich and beautiful have the same issues as us down here in the real world.