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Entries in Hunger Games Nails (1)


Excuse Me While I Geek Out: Hunger Games Countdown

I don't seriously geek out about a lot of things, but The Hunger Games movie has turned me into a squealing fangirl.

While I know that I'm really not *THAT* cool, I do think that I discovered the series at least a few months before it blew up BIG. I say that because when I bought Catching Fire and Mockingjay they were still in hard cover. I owe it all (blame it on?) Ginger Anderson though (giving credit where credit is due). She's the one who responded to my Facebook post about "needing a new book to read" with this elusive YA title. The book store didn't even have it in stock the first time I looked for it, and it was actually Jason who came home from a visit to Barnes and Noble with it for me. I read the book in two days and went on to finish the entire series in a week, which is quite the feat for a working mom of young kids. 

So yes, I am totally geeking out about the movie. TOTALLY. 

And? I LOVE Jennifer Lawrence. She's adorable and I think will make the perfect Katniss. 

How adorable was she on David Letterman? She's sweet, not wafer skinny and seems genuially excited to be in the position she's in. 

Now, if I can only find a manicurist in the area to paint my nails, my venture into fandom would be 100% complete.