Batting my lashes

A bit of a confession. About 5 months I grabbed one of those San Diego Daily Save deals for Latisse eyelash enhancer. At $49 dollars, this was a STEAL as the goods usually go for about $120. And yes, it worked. And no, it didn't turn my blue eyes brown (FYI: My eyes do have a brownish circle. Always have.)
I have to say, I love Latisse. Singing from the rooftops love. Big puffy heart LURRRVE.
And I'm out.
I usually have 2-4 different types of mascara on tap. I'm one of those women who can't pick up a prescription at RiteAid without buying a mascara. I also can't walk past Sephora without popping into to try out a member of their ridiculously expensive elite mascaras. Somehow, over the past few weeks, I've run down my selection. I had been alternating between Maybelline's Lash Stiletto (Glossy Black, waterproof) and Anastasia lash lifting, (also Black).
The issue I have with waterproof is that I can never get it off. Even using the mascara remover from the same company, the Maybelline mascara while FABULOUS on, does not come off. The long term problem with that? I think that not being able to properly remove mascara leads to lash fall out or break off. I end up scrubbing my eyes to hard (SO bad for those of us beginning to face aging concerns) and I can feel my lashes sticking to my eyelash curler when I use it the next morning.
Facing a drastic decrease in lash fabulosity, at a quick Target run this week I picked up Revlon's Grow Luscious mascara (black). Knowing how well Latisse worked for me, I was hoping that this mascara would be all I ever needed.
With a quick once over of the packaging, I noticed a very bold marketing statement:
*96% saw instantly longer, lusher lashes
Being on a quick diaper/toilet paper run, I saw the statistic, saw the name, and it grabbed me and I purchased the product. It was only later that I realized the sheer ridiculousness of this statement. I mean, I HOPE that 96% of women using mascara instantly see a difference in their lashes when they apply mascara. Isn't that the point?
Unfortunately, I seem to be in the rare 4% of the population, because post-application I saw NOTHING. Like there wasn't even mascara on the wand. I dipped again. Got a little something. Smeared the wand on my hand and got a black smudge, so I KNOW there is something in the tube... but still, nothing on the lashes.
I have to say in my 22 (or so) years of wearing mascara, I have never encountered one that did so little for my lashes as this product does. Even the clear mascara I wore as a young teen did more than this one.
My advice? Save your $8 and put towards your Latisse savings fund.