Obsessed With




Entries in decorating (2)


Obsession with a ghost

I'm a little obsessed with home decor at the moment... and obsessed with pieces that I've recently decided I need. I've always liked to decorate, but I don't think I have a real flair for it. I can't look at an old house and see what it can become. I can't even really look at furniture and see them in my house. Our house is a big ole mix of this and that.. and some things have been around forever (like, since college). 

In the past few years our friends have all "grown up" decor wise - really doing things like investing in pieces and putting together amazing living spaces and I've become a little more conscious of our home style and liking more than things you find in a Pottery Barn catalog. I also realized that our house was way more than just an old beach house - but a classic "mid-century modern" with amazing atomic ranch features. All of a sudden it clicks why our couches and chairs never have looked quite right in the space.

It's also made me want ALL NEW EVERYTHING. 

If you haven't noticed this about me, I'm not good with "one thing at a time". So, needless to say, this is painful for me. 

One thing I figure out how to incorporate into my house are Ghost Chairs. Ideally, they would be around a large turquoise table like the the on in this Mantauk beach house. They are just so clean and have such a great shape to them. 

And apparently they also come MINI SIZED. SQUEE.

The only thing standing in my way of Ghost Chair happiness? The price tag. Just like everything else I lust for, the price tag is just that much too high to justify. I've been on a search to find them used, and while they are out there, the ones I've seen have been a tad too beat up for even the used price tag. 


Oh dear Ghost Chair - one day you WILL be mine! And I will sit in you while wearing my Chanel Clogs.. sigh. 


The Dark Arts

I think I may be moving into a darker, odder art phase of life. As we age, Jason and I are getting more and more cynical and I've found myself attracted to prints and graphic designs that I use to worry would pop out of the frame and eat me in the middle of the night.

Because you know, that does happen.

But these. There is something about the work of Berkley Illustration that just calls to me.

Berkley Illustration's Etsy Shop can be found here

Please note, just looking at the images doesn't do them justice. You need to visit the site and read the description of each of these. They give them so much more personality. Let's look at Mr. Orca's description:

Part sailor and part dandy, this orca really likes to keep people guessing. Rather than saying "hello" or "goodbye", he always uses his catchphrase, "pip pip, toot toot!".

TELL me you don't want him on your wall saying "Pip Pip! Toot Toot!" to you every morning?! 



While people around the internet are choosing to be Team Conan or Team Leno this week, one image has popped up a few times. Being very much "Team Coco", I loved this image. Which, of course, lead me to the artist, Mike Mitchell,  and to check out what else he does. 

And what he does is creepy magical!

 Growing up I remember odd art and images on friend's parents walls. Pictures or art that as a child you don't really understand or begin to appreciate. Even today I love walking into people's bathrooms or hallways and finding prints and items that are different. So many houses tend to be overly "done" - decorated within an inch of their lives with the SAME prints and knick-knacks found in model homes around the country. To me, having interesting and odd art and pieces is what people will remember.

While I don't plan on decorating my entire house with scary ice cream cones eating themselves, I can say that I've grown to a point creatively where I would love to incorporate more odd and different objects d'art around my house. 

Do you have odd pieces that call to you? How do you use them to fit into you decor?