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Who's bright idea was it to be 7.5 months pregnant in August?

1174153166_4cd2b09346_m.jpgI hate bitching about my pregnancy. I don't want to become one of those bloggers that does nothing but moan and groan, but considering SAN DIEGO has 78% humidity at the moment and its about 85 degrees in my house, AND I'm a walking human incubator at the moment, I think that maybe I will bend that rule a bit.  Just for today.

Okay, there just may be more bitching than normal over the next 11 weeks. 1174221128_19650eb4ba_m.jpgThen you will get incoherent baby ramblings and lots of pictures (I mean, what else are all those adorable baby girl clothes for if not for dressing her up and taking pictures?!) for a while, then I will be back to normal, I promise.

Meanwhile, Lucas is beginning to get concerned about Mommy's big 'ole belly. The other day when I went to pick him up from school, a super inquisitive 3 year old named "Girl-Jayden" (when I asked Lucas her name, he replied "Girl Jayden, not Boy Jayden") asked me why I had a "big fat tummy". He's also become prone to pointing to obese people and telling me their bellies look like mine. (crying). At LEAST (hope and pray with me people for this one) he has yet to ask anyone else if they have a baby in their tummy also.



New music you must own to be cool

61H82DNDRYL._AA240_.jpgOn the Wing Now : Foreign Born

Pre Order it today!

Listen to samples here

And I am in no way partial to this album just because it's my brother's band.


Riding The Emotional Roller Coaster

How to make a pregnant woman feel like shit:

Overhear her tell someone else that she still has "just under 3 months to go" and butt your ugly ass head into the conversation with: "You still have 3 MONTHS?! Oh, honey.. I'm sorry!" while staring at her belly.

How to make a pregnant woman feel wonderful:

Be a random bell hop at the Marriot where she is meeting her friend for dinner at the hot new pool side lounge and tell her that her dress is pretty and then give her a rose.



There is more to me than pregnancy, parenthood and make-up

Sometimes I worry that I just come across as just some trend obsessed airhead who posts pictures in lieu of actually writing things of interest. But really, there is so much more to me. Well, maybe not so much more but a little more. Really, I'm not as vacuous as I sometimes appear to be.

In effort to smart the place up around here, I've added a new sidebar widget for your viewing pleasure, detailing books I'm currently reading, recently have read, or all time favorites. I'm always on the hunt for the next amazing book to read, so suggestions are always welcome. I'll add to the list all the time, leaving the all time best reads, and adding and deleting the fun reads. And, with this nifty little tool, you can actually click on the book image and purchase it right from Amazon.

Pretty damn cool, huh? 


So obvious it almost hurts

Scene: Borders Books, Sunday evening

Jason: I'm thinking Lucas needs a new book that's not about Batman or Spiderman

Beth: Yea, I'm sick of explaining who the hell Alfred is too.

Jason: I'm thinking Dr. Seuss... Hhhmm.. do they have Green Eggs and Ham?

Beth: We don't have Green Eggs and Ham?

wait for it, wait for it..

Jason:  We do not have Green Eggs and Ham, We do not have it Beth-I-Am.



I walked right into that one, huh?