Make-Up Monday: I'm Lovin' Votre Vu - French/American Cosmetics

Image taken with my Olympus PEN E-PL3 cameraFor the past few weeks, I've had the opportunity to play around with all kinds of goodies from Votre Vu: botanically infused, French handcrafted cosmetics.
Currently, I'm loving everything about these products. They appeal my marketing sense with the catchy names such as eyebrow color called "Arch de Triumphe," and their "Eiffel Power" lengthening mascara. I'm also loving the colors; I've been rocking an Aubergine eye liner that really stays put and doesn't smudge, and a FAB "Love Me Deux" tinted moisturizer that adds hydration with a little coverage and concealer IN THE TIP OF the TUBE. Hello GENIUS!
Taken with my Olympus PEN E-PL3 camera
I was wondering how these products missed my radar, but after a little research I realized that here in the US it's available only online or through local Votre Vu representative. I highly reccommend searching them out!
Happy Shopping!

Reader Comments (2)
Thanks for the great review Beth! I love the Love me Deux as well and have found it does a great job at covering my pores. So much so that I no longer use a primer.
Glad to see you love the products, I couldn't agree with you more Beth. Thanks for blogging about them. The Aubergine Eye Liner keeps my eyes pop throughout the day & night.