Yes, We NEED to Take a Disney Cruise

A few weeks ago I had the rare pleasure of boarding the Disney Wonder as it sailed to far off Bora Bora was ported in San Diego. This occasion marked the first time the Disney Cruise line docked in San Diego, on a special Pixar cruise of the California coast. As we toured the ship, the one thing I kept thinking was "WHEN are we going?"
I've never been on a cruise before, but I will say that Disney sold me hands down on not only taking a cruise, but doing it the Mickey way. Not only is the cruise 100% DISNEYTASTIC, but it seems like it would be a trip the entire family would enjoy. While I'm not sure I really need to talk Jason into taking this magical journey on the sea, if you are thinking about taking a cruise, here are my top reasons why Disney Cruises are the way to go:
- 100% Family Friendly - Disney takes family friendly to a new level. With every little detail thought of for every age and height, a Disney cruise allows everyone to have a vacation. Parents - when was the last time you really relaxed on a vacation? Oh, the one without the kids? with young kids are about as relaxing as being at home - and you have to pay to eat and you're all in one room. Disney cruises offer the longest complimentary child care of any cruise line - with facilities often open until midnight for "Goofy Slumber Parties" so parents can enjoy a little time off the clock. (As in "go hang out in one of three adult only bars".)
- Personal Service - On a Disney cruise, you are assigned a server that travels with you to all of your pre-determined dining experiences (if you chose to go - you can always eat at the buffet or order room service too!). Why is this cool? Because these people get to know you and your needs. Like for me - they would never offer me a tomato and always have a glass of chardonnay waiting upon my arrival. (I kid. Kinda. Not really.) But that's great with kids too. If your kids are antsy, they will know to have food waiting for them. If they know you don't allow dessert every night, they won't even offer. Little personal services that makes traveling with the family easier for all involved.
- Mickey Bands - The techy in me geeked out over this, but upon checking into the ship, each child gets slapped on the wrist with a Mickey Band - a "lo-jack" for your kid. If you are worried that your kid is going to fall off the ship when no one's looking, this is perfect to put you at ease. But mainly it's so your kids have the freedom to roam the secured kids' areas (all connected with hallways only accessible to kids and Disney counselors). If you drop your kid off at one side, but they decide to head to another area, the counselor at the front will be able to check and immediately tell you where Jr. has run off to.
- Wave Phones - another genius techy tool! So, apparently your cell phones don't work when you are crusing (duh, right? But I never thought of it!) so in each room there are two "Wave Phones" available for your family to use to stay connected while on the ship.
- Pirate Night - Yes, I would chose a Disney Cruise for Pirate night alone. Who doesn't want to get dressed up and have a pirate theme dinner, dance party and fireworks on a cruise ship?!
All in all the experience upon the Disney Wonder ship seemed to be the perfect {family} trip. The only negative part I could see was the experience of having to leave the ship at the end of the day - it was hard going back to my daily life even after just a few hours.
Is it too late to chuck it all become a cruise ship performer?
For more information on Disney Cruises, visit their website.
For detailed information on the Disney Wonder ship, please visit here.
*This is not a sponsored post and besides being served lunch, I was not compensated in any form for this post.

Reader Comments (4)
How was the food?
I am not putting down Disney Cruses at all... because I vow we will take one!! But they are way more expensive than the other ships.... well, for us anyway, a family of 5. (the only rooms available for our family are suites with a veranda so we can't go for the cheaper option of an ocean view or inside state room) When we did the cruise thing in Feb, The perks are very similar to what you described. But so you know, we had the same server every night and yes, it was awesome to form the relationship! Probably the one reason I want to cruise again and not do a resort! I loved how they got to know our table. Got to the point that the one knew to bring me a 1/2 lemonade and 1/2 iced tea to make a sweet iced tea. They also had prepared a veggie plate for all the kids right when they sat down. The menu for the kids was great. Yes they have the regular hot dog and fries type of thing, but they also had steak and chicken! The babysitting is great.... if the kids want to go. (grrr) Only Belle went.
By far Disney is the best, but not the only option.... I won't say the company we went with... just ask if you want to know!
I have heard about the people who's kids refuse to go into the babysitting.. lol.. I think my kids would love it!
The food was good. We had mahi mahi.. its hard to tell from one meal. The menus apparently change every night too...
would love to go on a disney cruise! have only heard great things, and I know the kids would love it. They have the "lo-jack" arm bands for the kid's club at the new Disney Resort here in Hawaii. My kids never want to leave there...