
When Lucas was about 13 months old we took him for a BBQ with friends at La Jolla Shores. Being the young toddler he was, he was big into his exploring phase, and when he came upon a cigarette butt (something he'd never seen before) he promptly stuck it in his mouth and ate it.
He then vomited. We thought he learned his lesson.
About 6 years later at his 7th birthday party, Lucas noticed headless clear gummy bears stuck to the dirty, bird poop ridden hood of a garbage pan. While the details about WHY he did what he did are unclear, my son picked one off and ate it.
Things one wouldn't think they would have to say to their 7-year old "You ate something stuck to the top of a GARBAGE CAN?!"
I mean it wasn't like there wasn't all kinds of junk food purchased and prepared (and clean!) for him to eat within the 5ft radius of of the gummy bear trash can. He had root-beer floats, chips, gatorade, gourmet cookies, specialty cupcakes and BAGS of M&M's at his disposal. But no. He ate trash can gummy bears.
While some mother's may worry about their child getting sick or contracting some horrible disease, the fear that kept circulating through my mind was "Great. He's THAT kid. You know, the one that eats a live goldfish on a dare."
He's lucky he's so cute and charming.
Reader Comments (4)
I have the heebie jeebies!!!!!!
I went to elementary school with a boy who ate glue, crayons and a fly floating in a pool because he thought it was a raisin. Yup. I am afraid you have THAT kid. Sorry, sweets. You might want to keep liquid charcoal on hand at all times!
I may have scared him tonight with tales of massive explosive diarrhea from eating things like that. His response? He thought I put them there as a decoration.