It's up to you...

bada dum da da da da da-dum, da da dada...
Lemme' tell you. We DID NYC. Did it. Done.
We crammed so much into our 4 night trip it was insane. Statue of Liberty - Check! Central Park - Check! The Met - Check! Pizza - Check! Scary homeless man in Starbucks - Check! Subway ride - Check! Top Shop in Soho - Check! Magnolia Bakery - Check! Pastrami - Check! Wall Street - Check! Hogs n' Heifers - Check! Art Gallery - Check! Times Square - Check! The Plaza - Check! Empire State Building - Check! 30 Rock/Today Show - Check! Check!
And now we are beat.. and bit frost bitten. Because, wow. It was cold.
and the Met. The Met just blew my mind. The size of that place is pure insanity.
It takes my breath away to be that close to some of the most amazing pieces of art in the world. To look at the pieces close up and see the brush strokes and clumps of paint. We wandered... and wandered some more.
The city was spell binding and so different from anything that we live on a day to day basis.
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