School of "Cock"

When we moved over the summer, it was to a part of Carlsbad named "Rancho Carrillo" after the famed Cisco Kid actor, Leo Carrillo. While there are spots up and down the coast of California named after Mr. Carrillo (once dubbed "Mr. California" for his efforts to save and preserve natural habitats of the state), this particular area was actually part of his personal ranchero - the Flying Carrillo Ranch. The actual ranch, now a historical landmark, offers beautiful white adobe houses adorned with bright blue doors and acres of succulents, fields and free-range peacocks. Yup. Peacocks. You can hear the squawking all over the area and while yes, if I lived directly over the park I might be annoyed by it, I actually think the dozens of (almost) wild rare birds are delightful and pretty cool.
Lucas' school borders the Ranch, and often times the peafowl hop the fence to graze on the grass on the school's campus. At first I was a little concerned about the large birds roaming around with the small(ish) kids, but these particular birds are pretty docile, and the school kids and the birds live in this unique harmony that's pretty freaking cool. For the rest of their lives, the kids that go to this school will have an appreciation for these birds. They will tell their own kids stories about them one day, and they will always feel a bit of an affinity to them. I mean really, how many kids can say they had peacocks on their elementary school campus?
A few weeks ago I downloaded the Katy Perry album from iTunes and was excited to see a song called "Peacock" on the playlist. Thinking it was a bit serendipitous, I was excited that a) there was a song about these birds that had so recently become a fixture in our everyday lives and b) we could finally stop listening to "California Gurls" on repeat.
The next day we were all in the car and I told the kids that I had a fun new song. As I was scanning for the song there was a faint warning in my head that maybe, JUST MAYBE, I should listen to the song before playing for the kids, but backseat arguing mixed with the general exhaustion of parenthood pushed that thought right out and I hit play and turned up the volume and waited for Miss Perry to belt it out....
"Let me see your peacock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock! Your peacock, cock, cock, cock! I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, your peacock cock cock cock!"
{insert sound of needle being dragged across vinyl LP}
I almost drove off the road as I reached across to grab my iPhone and hit the stop button. The car went quiet. I had visions of Lucas screaming "peaCOCKCOCKCOCKCOCK!" at school while shaking his booty. My mind flashed to him asking us a few months prior about who Snoop Dog was and what are Daisy Dukes and how simple those answers were in comparison. I knew I had exactly 10 seconds to come up with something to say before....
Lucas: "Mom? Why did you turn the song off?"
Me: "Um, well, there seems to be a word in there that I really don't want you to repeat."
Lucas: "WHAT WORD?! Tell me! I wont say it! I PROMISE!"
Me: "Oh no. Nope. No."
Lucas: "PLEASE!"
Me: "No!"
Silence in the backseat. Too quiet. I could almost hear the wheels in his head turning when I heard a giggle.
Lucas: "Heh. Heeheehee. I know what word she said..."
Me (in quiet desperation): "Oh you do?"
Lucas: "Heh...Heh...yea...heeheehee...she says PEE."
Thankful it was dark out and Lucas couldn't see me stifle back a laugh, I agreed. I told him yes, she said "pee" and that he'd better NEVER sing that song at school or he would lose his Wii and DS for good. I felt like I dodged a bullet.
Zoe and the Peacock: Photo by Petula Pea PhotographyUntil the next time I crossed paths with an extraordinary blue feathered peafowl and found myself with those lyrics spinning around my head and resisting the urge to sing outloud "Come on baby let me see whatcha' hiding underneath..."
I'm doomed. And? We have at least 8 more years at the Peacock School.
Reader Comments (7)
First, I loved your use of the word peafowl. Then I was entranced by this whole peacock, California scenario. But by the end, I was totally enthralled and charmed! Holy bleep, you write a great story!
Thank you for visiting Mama Mary at my blog this morning.
This was just as funny written as it was told in person. Now that I've actually heard that song, and yes, I Googled the video too ... got to say maybe Katy Perry should just be Jason's thing. :)
Hilarious. And? Pray there are no teachers within earshot the next time he sees a peacock.
LOVE this story!
Since we live so close, Peacock was one of the first words my kids said. I love that we get to see these beautiful birds every day. BUT, just don't step in their poop.
And, thanks for the warning on the song. I so would have done the same thing as you thinking that my kids would like it. : )
In follow-up, Zoe has started singing this song now. I'm so screwed.
Love this story! I can hearing you singing Peacock, cock, cock, cock.... LMAO!