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Entries by HipMamaB (502)


In contention to be the "lamest blogger on earth"

So very LAME these days.

People used to ask me when I found time to blog, they couldn't understand how I managed to get it into my day. I just did.. and couldn't understand how other people did things like run, or go to the gym. Alas, my day has come where I no longer seem to have time to blog. Maybe its the 2 kids, work from home, 2 clients, husband, dog, house, insanity thing? Not sure. All I know is that for the first time in my life - I've been routinely forgetting to eat.

We've had a busy few weeks, and they will continue through August.. small re-cap, I helped plan and coordinate a bachelorette party and  good friends' gay wedding (I'll let Jason tell you a little more about that one), 4th of July, and now house guests.. then a big girls weekend in Vegas.. Oh and not to mention WORK, which is kicking my ass at the moment. So there you have it. No time to be creative and tell you cool and interesting things. So I will just leave you with picture from 4th of July..




It's official. Since starting my WW journey 3 months ago, I have now shed 10% of my body weight. I even got a stylish key chain for all my efforts.. 


Using Technology to it's FULL Advantage

We took a family trip to the grocery store tonight. Apparently we drank too much wine water at dinner and thought that it would be a fun, family outing. I guess Jason just really didn't want to be left home alone with the two kids.

As soon as we get there, Lucas announces that he has to go potty. Jason takes him while I start the coupon scavenger hunt in a desperate attempt to save a few bucks ($43 tonight - not too shabby! Or as I like to call the savings, "mommy's new shoes"). About 5 minutes later as I'm figuring out which soda's to purchase in the "buy 2 get 2 free" deal (pepsi max - ginseng AND caffeine! Diet Dr Pepper, Diet Sierra Mist for my 2 point margaritas, and light lemonade. We are actually a "Coke" household, so it was a harder choice with the Pepsi products), I get an IM on my blackberry. It's from Jason.

"Dude, this kid takes the biggest shits.."

"Here, let me take a picture and send it to you..."

I immediately replied back:

"NO! Don't! Please, don't teach him that! He'll be wanting us to take pics of all his poops now!"

See, it was nothing that my dear husband was going to take a picture of SHIT and MMS it to me, I just didn't want him to do it in front of the impressionable 4 year old.



Random Thoughts

Since I've started Twittering, its become very hard not to think in short, concise sentences. When I first started blogging, all of my internal dialogue was in "blogspeak", now, it's "Twitteresse".. But 140 characters is sometimes not enough.. so here I am, left with random thoughts roaming around my head, aching to escape..

Random Thought #1
In my WW meeting there is this mother and teenage daughter that come every week and sit in the same chairs. The mother is one of those super skinny, super tan types that is always in short running shorts and a tank top. She is the woman that you look at and think "and you are here because..." And then there is her daughter. A beautiful girl who is SO.NOT.FAT. Not an anorexic workoutaholic like the mom, but really just maybe the bigger side of normal. The daughter never speaks and the mom is always sharing "tips". A few weeks ago, the mom was sitting there with bandages on her face and black eyes - typical post-op nose job - and the daughter was sitting next to her crying. Or trying very hard not to appear that she was crying.  The dynamics of that relationship intrigue me... I miss WW meetings if I drank too much wine the night before - I would SO give myself permission to miss out if I had under went surgery that week, no?


The manicurist charges more when they just buff your nails rather than paint them. HHMM..


I took some pants in to the alerter yesterday. There was this girl in there getting her wedding dress fitted. She looked 16. She was very sweet and asked me about Zoe, and I asked her when and where she was getting married. She said in July at the "San Diego Temple, you know the one off the 5.." Ah-ha.. the famous Mormon temple. She probably was 16.


I weighed Zoe for the first time in 6 weeks today. She only has gained a pound. Yup. She's now 12 1/2 lbs. And she eats more food than her big brother does. I just really hope this insane metabolism lasts her well through her 80's..


I seriously think that Zoe is going to be crawling within the month. CRAP.


I have $50 worth of returns to make at Target. All my "great buys" were not so great at home. But..


JCrew rocks my world at the moment. 25% off the sale price last week. LOVE!


My dear friends Carin and Hillary took out their marriage license today. Their wedding is June 28th. Jason and I are "flower friends".


I just got the BEST forward. Haven't had one this good in awhile.




Just Perfect



go on.. tell me how freaking cute she is...


and check it out! TEETH! 2 of them!
